According to the UDL principles (engagement, representation and action and expression), I have designed an anticipation activity to introduce a new unit based on food and nutrition. This mini-lesson is thought for a group of 4th year ESO students and it will last 50 minutes. It is thought to be performed during one session. This will be done in pairs and as a lockstep group, in class, and using the computer and the smartboard. 

  • Engagement (options to stimulate enthusiasm) [10 minutes] 

First, students will be required to take out their notebooks and take notes while listening to a video. They will watch a chef, Gordon Ramsay, cooking some stir fry noodles. Throughout the video, they will listen to ingredients, utensils and cooking verbs, which they will note down 

  • Representation (present information in different ways). [15 minutes] 

Once the short video clip is played twice, students will have to manage the information that they have written and classify it into a mind map, distinguishing the different categories that have been mentioned throughout the video, that is, what it was stated above: ingredients, utensils, verbs… If students do not know the meaning of a word or where to classify it, they will ask their partner for help. If this cannot be done, they will make use of an online dictionary for help. 

  • Action and expression (offer options to support). [25 minutes] 

Finally, in order to correct their work, they will be provided with the script to the video clip and they will listen to it for the third time, filling gaps with the vocabulary required for the previous activity. We will correct the script and, afterwards, they will correct their mind maps with all the information provided. At the end, as a group, we will explain the main features and we will add more information that they already know, doing some scaffolding to broaden their mind maps.  

*Sería viable que los alumnos hiciesen algo así como un "mock theater" pretendiendo que tienen todos los ingredientes, o bien impresos o bien dibujados por ellos mismos así como los utensilios y demás.  

He de decir que esta actividad la he hecho recientemente en clase y ha salido muy bien. Les ha gustado mucho editar los vídeos, meter transiciones e incluso los behind scenes y tomas falsas. Sí que es cierto que requiere que se haga de deberes, pero podría hacerse en clase como he dicho, como un teatro
