1 In 4th ESO we review the revolutions in France in the 19th century as one of the origins of the processes we are going to focus on today. (ANTICIPATION)

2. Listening activity: (MINI LESSON)

3. They have to answer the following questions to go deeper in the topic. It allows me to know if they have understood the key facts of the video: (ACTIVE LEARNING)

1.- Who failed in their trial to mantain the old world order?

2.- What were the first countries that had became independent in the 19th century in Europe?

3.- Who leadered the Second Republic in France?

4.- When was the Frankfurt assembly summoned to create a new constitution for Germany?

5.- Why didn’t the revolts of Italy succeed?

6.- What was the strongest state in Italy?

7.- Who was the King of Sardinia at this moment?

8.- And who was the Prime Minister?

9.- What other European country did they join to for defeating the Austrians?

10.- Who took the control over Sardinia?

11.- When did the Italians threw definitively the Austrians from Italy?

12.- When did the Papal states joined the Italian forces?

13.- What was the strongest state in the Germanic confederation?

14.- Who was appointed by the Kaiser Wilhem for being the Prime Minister?

15.- When did Bismark the Alliance with Austria that provocked the war with Denmark?

16.- Why did Austria declare the war against Prussia then?

17.- What was the superiority of the Prussian army based on?

18.- What was the strategy of Bismark for weakening Austria?

19.- What were the five great Powers in Europe that had been created in the Congress of Vienna?

20.- What were the two strongest Powers in Europe by 1871?

4. A debate about what they have understood looking for common points and different points in both processes of unification. 
























5. What conflicts of this moment can be translated to today

The Crimean importance today in the war of Ukraine for instance. (REFLECTION)

UDL principles applied

Affective engagement has been worked paying attention to the links with current conflicts like the war of Ukraine.
Recognition-representation in the chart to classify the different aspects.
Strategic-action & expression are worked thanks to the listening practise and to the writing development of the other ideas.

I wanted to add that instead of focusing only in one of the aspects I have worked anticipation, mini lesson, active participation and reflection in the same activity, I don't know if I have been very risky and ambicious with this but I have worked it in the classes and it has worked.
