Subject: Business communication and customer service.

The task I have designed, would be framed in the 3rd step or phase of the CLIL methology: Active learning. Interaction and participation.

1.- Provide Multiple Means of Affective-engagement: After the explanation of the types of business, and their differences, they have to design, think and set up a business (imaginary) by thinking on the sector/activity they want to (example: a firm law, a food truck, a logistic company…), the headcount, the funds, how they are going to get money to invest, the organizational chart including their classmates as coworkers, the type of business… AND they have to create the logo, the merchandise, the documents (written communication), an elevator pitch trying to get new stockholders (oral communication), an infographic of how the company works… divided step by step by clear instructions but empowering them to be creative. Bellow are some examples:


You will have to convince your audience, in just 1 minute, to invest in your company, business or idea. Video record yourself at home, share it in OneDrive and then, share the link on the comment of the task.

Some helping points:

-Introduce yourself
-Present the  problem: brief introduction ( your company purpose, your offer, and values of your organization). Add any characteristics that make you special and different from other companies.
-Your idea or solution to a problem.
-Share the proposal
-Make a call to act

What to avoid in an Elevator Pitch:

When done well, your elevator pitch should help you to make a positive first impression and stand out to employers. To do this you should avoid cliches, jargon and anything too personal.

Pay attention to:

-Dress professionally
-Offer a stong, firm handshake
-Maintain eye contact, and don't forget to blink
-Smile in a natural way
-Don't cross your arms
-don't stand too close or too far away





2.- Provide Multiple Means of Recognition-representation. Present information and content in different ways.


3.- Provide Multiple Means of Strategic-action & expression. Differentiate the ways that students can express what they know.
